
About Us

Love and Passion

A Few Words About Us

Love and Passion for the Game

Reunited is a sport tech start up who proposes 2 smart sports clubs solutions for investment & sponsorship based on Blockchain Technology and Smart Contract :

Reunited.fans is a smart investment mobile app that allows fans and investors all over the world to own shares of unique assets in sports. Buy and Sell Your Favorite Club and Win money for your clubs with the sponsoring activities.

Reunitedsponsors.com is a smart sponsorship marketplace that allows sports clubs and sponsors around the world to easily connect and find a new sponsorship deal with Fans involvement.

Meet the

Reunited Team

Team One

Arnaud Perret

Ceo & Founder

Team Two

Sébastien Michea

Cto & Co-Founder

Team Three

Thomas Jauffret


Team Four

Adrien Colson-Blanche

Biz Dev & Co-Founder

Experience the future of clubs investment

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